Immediate complete or partial denture

Immediate Complete or Partial Dentures

We provide immediate complete or partial dentures, tailored to your needs. Complete Dentures are a full set of dentures and partial dentures may include only a few dentures for missing teeth.

At Quick Denture Repair, we understand the role our teeth play for our self esteem. Immediate dentures are a great way to have instant, perfect teeth without having to wait for dentures, ever. An immediate denture is a partial or complete set of teeth that are inserted on the same day after the removal of natural teeth. It’s a great way to maintain the appearance of your natural teeth without missing essential parts.

An immediate or partial denture is like a Band-aid that’s used to protect the tissues after they’re extracted. It allows you to speak clearly even if you’re not in a permanent mouthpiece.

What Is A Partial Denture?

If you have lost teeth due to trauma or disease, a partial denture may be a good alternative to a more conventional dental procedure. They can help hide the gap left by missing teeth and provide a more attractive smile. Partial Dentures are made of plastic or metal bases and are removable. A partial denture is a removable device that consists of artificial teeth attached to a gum-coloured base. It can be secured to a metal framework or a removable plastic-acrylic attachment.

These removable devices work seamlessly with both the upper and lower jaws. A partial denture is a great alternative to having multiple missing teeth. It fills in the spaces between the teeth and prevents the other teeth from getting damaged.

What Are Partial Dentures Used For?

Partial dentures are usually recommended for people who have lost one or more teeth due to trauma or other reasons. It implies that a candidate for partial dentures doesn’t require a full set of complete dentures. A partial denture is worn by patients until their final, permanent, tooth is secured. It’s usually pink or dyed to match their natural gum colour.Your dentist will fit a crown on top of the partial denture to keep it in place.Not getting partial dentures when needed can lead to a lack of confidence. It can also affect your self-esteem, as many people avoid smiling due to their embarrassment. Getting a realistic-looking set of dentures can help restore your confidence and make you feel more relaxed.

How Is A Temporary Partial Denture Done?

Once you choose to have partial dentures, the dentist will prep your mouth as per the requirements. That may include reshaping or removing teeth for perfect partial denture installment.Your dentist then makes a cast or impression of your mouth. He or she then measures and writes down the space between your teeth and the rest of your body. Then, on the same day, very quickly they provide temporary partial dentures.

How To Wear Partial Dentures?

Your immediate partial dentures keep the space in your mouth free from missing teeth. Once they’re in place, they will remain in place for a long time. Having new hardware in your mouth can feel uncomfortable. It takes a few weeks to get used to using them.

After getting permanent partial dentures or immediate partial dentures, there may be a period of adjustment. Your dentist can help you get used to the fit of these new teeth.

Quick Denture Repair, Perth

At Quick Denture Repair, we prioritize the comfort of the customer. Immediate partial dentures save you from the embarrassment of going out in public without teeth. We are committed to serve you with the best of our faculties at a reasonable price. We provide same day delivery at Perth. Contact us for a smooth denture experience!

Immediate Complete And Partial Dentures

Immediate complete or partial dentures are dental prosthetics designed to be inserted immediately after teeth extraction. They are crafted in advance and placed in the mouth right after the removal of natural teeth, ensuring patients don’t have to be without teeth during the healing period.

Complete immediate dentures are used when all teeth in either the upper or lower jaw are being extracted. They allow individuals to have a set of dentures right after extraction, maintaining the aesthetics of their smile and supporting speech and chewing functions.

Call for Consultation

We are here to solve all your oral and denture problems. To experience a hassle-free denture service, call us to book an appointment!

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08 6230 3837


Frequently Asked Questions

Quick Denture Repair Perth has a motto of delivering to you the best quality dentures within the same day of your appointment. We provide home-delivery for residents of Perth.

Good quality dentures should last you at least 5-10 years without any hassle. We make sure you can make the most out of your dentures without any breakage or cracking.

Good quality dentures last for a very long time and provide realistic results. They can cost anywhere from $1000-$5000. While cheaper options are available, the best quality dentures prove to be cost-effective in the long run.

It depends on the unique condition of your dentures. We run a thorough oral-test and denture check before repairing or prescribing any denture to you. All of our dentures our custom-made to cater to you individual needs.

For people playing contact-sport and high-risk stunts, custom made sports mouthguards can prevent tooth-fractures, mouth-bruising and neck fractures. It is indeed a worthwhile investment.

It is advisable to remove removable partial dentures before going to sleep. Permanent dentures should be brushed well to keep your mouth healthy and free of cavity causing bacteria.

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